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Friday, January 12, 2018

EZ plants for Winter time in Florida

Greetings all and a belated Happy New Years.

Now that we have some technical issues squared away on the website, we are finally able to do the first post of the New Year 2018 !

We had some super markets over the Holiday season and the first of new year brought continued great business.

Customers love the offerings of the colorful South American Air Plants, and of course, our Mini Succulents and Cacti business continues to be very popular.

Of course, this new year has brought some cold weather to the region. We are lucky here in Pinellas County, that due to our mini peninsula being surrounded by water, that our temps have not been super damaging to the plant crops and landscaping.  Our philosophy is that if a plant is showing damage, we basically leave them alone until Spring time. Many plants will re-energize then, and come early spring, that is the best time to do your pruning and clean up.

Many things that we have in stock right now can be easily protected during extreme cold weather times by either bringing indoors, or placing in garages or under roofed patios etc !

We are back in stock with the beautiful "String of Pearls" which is very popular with our customers.    This great succulent will thrive indoors and out and just doesn't like to be kept too wet, like most succulents.

If you have a small pot or hanging basket, the Pearls will do great in, allowing them room to cascade down.

Just keep them out of children and pet's mouths !

Among our shade garden plant offerings, the Orange Paintbrush Ginger continues to bloom like mad. Again, indoor or out, it will thrive and blooms off and on all year long.  It is a clumper, and it's easy to tease apart stem pieces to start new plants or share with your favorite fellow gardener friend.

The dwarf Red Success Anthurium continues to be one of ours, and our customers favorites, especially as a House Plant.  The blooms last for months, and are always putting up new shoots.  It's definitely one of the top EZ care House plants you can ever have and it makes a great gift too.

The lovely Citronella geranium is back in stock and now is a great time to get one (or two) established in the ground or in pots by your patio to give you great aroma plus skeeter protection !

We also have Gray Lavender plant in stock - another great aromatic, loves the cold, and will be blooming soon with purple flowers galore.

Our popular Cedar Birdhouses flew out the booth at Holiday time and now we are back in stock with fresh ones.  Each one is hand made and no two are alike and they are made of fresh Cedar wood and Barnwood, decorated with Pinecones, Moss and grape vines.

You can't beat the smell of fresh Cedar wood, and it's a very tough wood, that will endure just fine in your outside gardens and patios.

Also back in stock, the very popular Burro's Tail Sedum.

These make a spectacular statement when put in a hanging basket or tall planter and everyone just loves the look of growth habit of them.

All of these, plus More will be with us at Saturday Morning Market, downtown St. Pete, our home base every week.  Market runs rain or shine, hot or cold !  Here's the scoop:

Saturday Morning Market, downtown St. Pete  for more info and directions.
Market hours 9am-2pm
Armstrong Nursery booth is located on the very East (back) row of market, right across from the fabulous Hot Cuban booth !


Mitch Armstrong Nursery is a licensed Tropical Plant nursery with the state of Florida.
We do not have a retail location, but you can find us weekly at 
Saturday Morning Market, downtown St. Pete

Mitch Armstrong

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